Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sketch Pages 21- Location Sketches

I've taken the "Daily" part out of my titles since that doesn't appear to be happening. I'll try to post something at least twice a week. Although I am trying to hit every day again.

It's difficult keeping up motivation. As a student, it's easy to be lax about drawing everyday, even though this is a critical time where I SHOULD be drawing everyday. Every little bit of practice will help me get a job. Hopefully :)

I've been following my friends around to their location drawing class. Last week we drew on NW 23. Allyson and I ninja'd our way into a hospital and drew the city scape from the skybridge.

Then we traveled to a beautiful church a couple blocks away. Oh, the lighting was just perfect. I attempted making a cohesive design with harsh sharpie blacks and soft pencil tones. Still needs some work.

Yesterday we went to the Evergreen Aviation Museum!!! WOO! Thanks, Lee, thanks, Allypoo.

There were tanks outside. Yes. Tanks.
So happy.

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